Even if many stores and restaurants are open, and many of us were called into work already, life is still not quite the same as it was before the pandemic started.
This season has brought so much stress for everyone…Babies, kids and adults all over the world have suffered and still are suffering the consequences of this pandemic. And for those of us who suffer from digestive troubles, we all know stress is definitely not our friend. It’s actually one of our biggest enemies, because it triggers more symptoms and make us feel even worse.
A great way to combat this enemy, is with exercise. But many gyms are still closed and we don’t know yet when will they re-open. In the meantime, it’s important we find other ways to stay active. But where can you go to do exercise? Many of us find that working out from home, in front of a TV or computer is very boring and not really motivating.
So we’ve worked on a few creative ideas for you, where you can go for a walk, go jogging, swimming and more! We hope you give these a try, because doing exercise is very important and beneficial for your health.
1. The Strip Mall
Many shopping plazas are not open yet, so take advantage of these deserted outdoor malls and plazas, where you can walk around and exercise. You may be even able to jog! Keep away from plazas that have big stores, like Target or Walmart, or supermarkets or hardware stores, because these will probably be open and you’ll find lots of traffic and people.
2. The Dock
Do you live near the beach? Find out if there’s a pier or dock that is open, where you can go and keep active. You’ll have such an inspirational view and fresh, clean air that you’ll love to go there every day! Keep in mind some charge an entrance fee, even if you are not going fishing.
3. The Beach
Even if you don’t live too close to a beach, it’s worth going, at least once a week. Most of them are open now and they are big enough to hold large amounts of people. Avoid the very popular or touristic beaches and go for the more quiet ones. Also avoid going on the weekends, as you’ll find much more people. There’s nothing like fresh, pure air, plus after your jog, you can go for a quick swim to freshen up. If parking is extremely close to the beach, bring a chair, an umbrella, a cooler with lunch and your favorite book, you’ll enjoy a great afternoon there.
4. The Park
Most parks are also open too and you can easily enjoy a great morning, walking around the park. You can even tag along with a friend and jog together, practicing safe social distancing! There are beautiful parks that have hills, so instead of jogging or walking every day, you can alternate and go hiking once or twice a week and get your heart pumping. Rollerblading and biking are also great ideas.
5. Empty parking lots at Schools.
If you live near a school and you have free access to enter the parking lot, take advantage of it.
Schools are closed for the season and there is no summer school either. Having this big empty lot all to yourself is a perfect way to get creative with your exercising. You can even bring an old car tire and push it along the lot or simply jog or walk. If there’s stair access, you can also climb up for maximum exercising. Please note that if there’s a gate at the parking lot and its locked, do not attempt to go in, because that’s considered private property and that lock is there for a reason.
Also, be sure, there are no cars parked or near where you are. You don’t want to be doing exercising in a place where cars are driving around.
6. School Sport Fields
Many of these are also abandoned this season and are a perfect place to exercise. You can run, work on your abs, do jumping jacks, etc. all in the football field. You can also climb up on the bleachers and no matter if you go fast or slow, you’ll be working out. Pick a pace that feels good for you and your body. You don’t want to go too fast that you lose balance and fall.
8. The Lake
If you love to swim and you live near a lake, take advantage of these peaceful places to swim and even practice yoga and meditation. Summer is here and the water will be so refreshing!
7. Your Neighborhood
There’s no excuse for anyone not being able to work out. Walking, jogging, riding a bike around your neighborhood is one of the most accessible ways to do exercise. Enjoy different routes and avoid the big intersections or busy streets. Even if you walk for 2-3 laps around your neighborhood, your body will thank you. And you’ll lower your stress levels and feel great!
As a safety precaution, don’t forget to read these savvy tips:
•Bring lots of water to drink, and drink often to avoid being dehydrated.
•Warm up and cool down for 10-15 minutes before and after you exercise.
•Bring a hat, glasses, sunscreen to sunny places and only stay there for a short time if the sun is too strong.
•Take as many rests as you like. This is not a competition, slowly increase as your body builds up strength.
•Shady spots to rest are the best.
•Bring a snack in case you get hungry after you exercise.
•Tell a friend of your working out whereabouts and try avoiding places that are very solitary, at any time of the day.
•Avoid late hours for your workouts, unless you are doing a neighborhood walk.
•Bring mosquito repellent.
•Bring a friend(s) to a place you’ve never been before.
•If you haven’t exercised in a long time, start with 2-3 workout days a week for the first 2 weeks, then add a day every week or two. Whichever feels good for your body. As long as you go exercise 2-3 times a week, you’ll be helping your body lots.
Digestinol is an all-natural supplement that helps support and promote digestive health as well as support your immune system. Its biggest benefit is the ability to target and reduce inflammation within your digestive system. Inflammation along your digestive system is one of the main reasons for pain/discomfort associated with digestive disorders. It can help with both constipation as well as diarrhea, because it gets your body back to normal so the amount of fluid in your colon is regulated the way it should be.
What is Digestinol?

Our product contains AMP (Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides) which is an all-natural molecule found in the aloe vera plant. It is known to enhance the body’s immune system due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. We have a 97-98% success rate reported from people who take Digestinol as directed for 90 days or longer.
If you are not interested in prescription medications to treat your condition and prefer a more natural approach, Digestinol makes all-natural capsules that contain a very specific form of Aloe Polysaccharides to target the inflammation along your digestive tract.
These capsules also provide your body with the nutrients that it is lacking in order to take back control of itself. Digestinol isn’t just Aloe Vera powder, Aloe Vera (contains Aloein) which irritates your digestive system and can cause diarrhea. Digestinol undertakes very specific additional steps in order to remove the Aloein during their extraction process to focus on only the beneficial portions of the Aloe Leaf, the long chain Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide molecules.
Since Digestinol is 100% all-natural it doesn’t bring along the side effects that other chemically based prescription medications have. We tell our customers to think of Digestinol as an all-natural digestive system specific vitamin that reduces inflammation and provides your body with specific nutrients that allow it to take back control of itself.
Our Digestinol capsules will also help to balance the good and bad bacteria levels in your body allowing it to regain control of its normal operations.
For more information, visit us at www.Digestinol.com or:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Digestinol
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/digestinol-research-ba1651116
Tumblr – http://digestinol.tumblr.com
Digestinol Blog – http://digestinol-blog-digestinol.com
Instagram – @Digestinol
Twitter – @Digestinol1
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I’m no longer sure what I felt like before your capsules, well wait, yes of course I do. I can’t ever forget that pain and misery.
But to be serious, your guys ROCK. I found out about you from looking through Instagram. Never heard of you or your capsules, but I am so glad you came up on my feed in IG. I have only had about 4 bottles over the past 8 months and I haven’t had any cramps, diarrhea, aching, fatigue, etc. since about the 6th week of taking your digestinol capsules.
Thank you!!!