Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a term that many people are not familiar with. However, it is more common than what you may think. Can you believe that around 1,000,000 Americans suffer from this disease?
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) attacks both women and men equally and really, at any age. It seems though that Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) targets mainly young adults, but there’s also reports of children who had been diagnosed with it.
Now there are 2 diseases that are part of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD):
Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s Disease.
On a recent article, we talked about 15 facts so you could quickly learn the basics on
Ulcerative Colitis (UC). This time, we’ll give you the scoop on Crohn’s Disease. Here are 15 facts:
1. Crohn’s Disease is an inflammation and ulceration process that affects the deep layers of your intestinal wall.
2. There are 2 main areas that Crohn’s Disease attacks:
The first area is the lower part of your small intestine and the other is your colon.
3. The most common symptoms include:
Diarrhea, blood in your stool, fever, abdominal pain, abdominal cramping, mouth sores, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue and having pain or drainage near/around the anus.
4. Crohn’s Disease can also affect any part of your upper gastrointestinal tract.
5. This disease can be painful, uncomfortable, stressful and debilitating.
6. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for this chronic disease.
7. Some people may not show any signs for most of their lives, while others can have real bad chronic symptoms that never go away.
8. Crohn’s Disease can sometimes causes life-threatening complications.
9. The most common complication of this disease is blockage of the intestine. This happens when your bowel wall has swelled so much, that your intestinal passage has gotten smaller and smaller, until it’s completely closed.
10. There are also complications for children diagnosed with this disease, such as stunted growth and delayed development.
11. Medications such as steroids and immunosuppressant’s are used to slow the progression of Crohn’s Disease. When these are not working, your doctor may suggest surgery.
12. People suffering from Crohn’s Disease may need to receive regular screening for colorectal cancer due to increased risk.
13. While it’s not clear what causes this disease, there are a few factors that can influence whether you get it or not:
- Your genes
- Your immune system
- The environment that surrounds you
14. Factors like smoking, the length of time you’ve had this disease, whether or not the rectum is involved, and your age can all have an affect the severity of your symptoms.
15. You are not alone. As many as 780,000 Americans suffer from Crohn’s Disease.
Digestinol is an all-natural supplement that helps support and promote digestive health as well as support your immune system. Its biggest benefit is the ability to target and reduce inflammation within your digestive system. Inflammation along your digestive system is one of the main reasons for pain/discomfort associated with digestive disorders. It can help with both constipation as well as diarrhea, because it gets your body back to normal so the amount of fluid in your colon is regulated the way it should be.
What is Digestinol?
Our product contains AMP (Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides) which is an all-natural molecule found in the aloe vera plant. It is known to enhance the body’s immune system due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. We have a 97-98% success rate reported from people who take Digestinol as directed for 90 days or longer.

If you are not interested in prescription medications to treat your condition and prefer a more natural approach, Digestinol makes all-natural capsules that contain a very specific form of Aloe Polysaccharides to target the inflammation along your digestive tract.
These capsules also provide your body with the nutrients that it is lacking in order to take back control of itself. Digestinol isn’t just Aloe Vera powder, Aloe Vera (contains Aloein) which irritates your digestive system and can cause diarrhea. Digestinol undertakes very specific additional steps in order to remove the Aloein during their extraction process to focus on only the beneficial portions of the Aloe Leaf, the long chain Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide molecules.
Since Digestinol is 100% all-natural it doesn’t bring along the side effects that other chemically based prescription medications have. We tell our customers to think of Digestinol as an all-natural digestive system specific vitamin that reduces inflammation and provides your body with specific nutrients that allow it to take back control of itself.
Our Digestinol capsules will also help to balance the good and bad bacteria levels in your body allowing it to regain control of its normal operations.
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