Halloween and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Halloween is right around the corner and if you love to celebrate it don’t let the pandemic and your Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) destroy your fun.
While keeping safe, you can enjoy a great Halloween with your spouse at home, making one or all of these 3 treats and watch one of the scary movie suggestions we’ll share with you below.
Keep in mind, these recipes will be good for the majority of people who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Take a very small portion first and see how your body reacts. Even if you still feel good afterwards, don’t eat more than the suggested portion to avoid any triggers/flares. You may also want to eat these treats as a periodic snack, throughout the year.
This sweet, salty, crunchy snack will be hard not to stop eating! So watch your portions, friend!
• Serving Size Info: Makes about 20 cups
• Serving size: 1/2 cup
• Makes: 40 servings
• Prep Time: 10 minutes
• Cook Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
• Recipe/Photo Credit: Dédé Wilson

16 cups (272 g) popped corn
1/2 cup (1 stick; 113 g) unsalted butter, cut into pieces
3/4 cup (160 g) firmly packed light brown sugar
1/4 cup (60 ml) light corn syrup
2 tablespoons rice malt syrup, or an additional 2 tablespoons light corn syrup
2 tablespoons unsulphured molasses
2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 generous teaspoon cloves
1/4 generous teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1. Position two racks in lower and upper levels of oven. Preheat oven to 250°F/121°C. Coat two rimmed half-sheet pans with nonstick spray and set aside.
2. Coat the inside of a very large mixing bowl with nonstick spray and also coat a large silicone spatula. Pour popped corn into the bowl.
3. Place butter, brown sugar, corn syrup, rice malt syrup (if using), molasses, ginger, cinnamon, cloves and salt in a saucepan and stir to combine. Bring to a light boil over medium heat, swirling pan once or twice (but do not stir). Boil for 4 minutes; the mixture should darken and thicken (the bubbles will open more slowly). Remove from heat, add baking soda and vanilla and swirl pan quickly (watch for it bubbling up) to combine then slowly pour over the popped corn, folding as you go with the nonstick spray coated spatula. Keep folding to evenly coat the popped corn. Be patient! It will work.
4. Scrape onto the two pans, dividing evenly, and tamp down into an even layer. Bake for 1 hour, turning the popped corn over with a broad metal spatula about every 15 minutes. This will help the popped corn stay evenly coated with gingerbread caramel. Cool on racks completely then get into airtight bags or containers quickly – to preserve it best but also to keep yourself from eating it all! Just TRY not to eat this stuff; you have been warned.
• If you have an air-popper, use that as the overall fat and calories will be reduced. Or, pop your corn in some lightly flavored oil, such as rice bran.
• After folding the popcorn with the caramel, you dry it out in the oven to help preserve its shiny, crispy coating!
• Make sure that you store it in an airtight container as they caramel coating can easily pick up on humidity.
• Serve popcorn in a Halloween ceramic bowl and decorate with toy black spiders, etc.
A simple and delicious recipe to make for breakfast or afternoon tea, but try to eat just one!
• Serving size: 1
• Makes: 12 muffins
• Prep Time: 5 minutes
• Cook Time: 20 minutes
• Recipe/Photo credit: Dédé Wilson

Topping – Optional:
3 tablespoons firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons low FODMAP gluten-free all-purpose flour, such as Bob’s Red Mill 1 to 1 Gluten Free Baking Flour
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of salt
1 cup (240 ml) lactose-free whole milk
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/3 cup (75 ml) neutral flavored vegetable oil, such as rice bran or canola
1/2 cup (107 g) firmly packed light brown sugar
1 large egg, at room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/4 cups (326 g) low FODMAP gluten-free all-purpose flour, such as Bob’s Red Mill 1 to 1 Gluten Free Baking Flour
1 teaspoon baking powder; use gluten-free if following a gluten-free diet
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1 Pink Lady or Granny Smith apple cored and diced
1. Position rack in middle of oven. Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. Coat the insides and top of 12 muffin wells with nonstick spray; set aside.
2. For the Topping: If making, simply stir together all of the Topping ingredients in a small bowl until well combined; set aside. It will look like a dark, cinnamony paste.
3. For the Muffins: Combine the milk and lemon juice in a medium bowl and allow to sit and thicken for 5 minutes (you are making a soured milk, like buttermilk). Whisk in the oil, brown sugar, egg and vanilla until smooth and well mixed.
4. In a separate medium bowl whisk together the flour, baking powder and soda, salt and spices until aerated and combined. Make a well in the center and pour in the wet mixture and stir until a few floury streaks remain, then fold in chopped apple.
5. Divide mixture into prepared pan(s). Scatter topping on top of muffins, if using. Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes or until a toothpick shows a few crumbs clinging (but just a few). Cool on rack for at least 5 minutes, then unmold directly onto rack. Muffins can be served warm or at room temp. Store in airtight container for up to 3 days. After cooling they may also be placed in heavy zip-top bags and frozen for up to a month. They defrost very quickly.
• If You Can Tolerate Fructans:
If you have passed the fructan wheat challenge, you can use regular all-purpose wheat flour. Use weight amounts for best results with this substitution.
• Your can freeze these!
• You can take them anywhere easily for a quick snack.
There’s no Halloween without Chocolate! This treat will satisfy any chocolate lover for sure!
• Serving size: 1
• Makes: 6 servings
• Prep Time: 15 minutes
• Cook Time: 45 minutes
• Recipe/Photo credit: April @ Girl Gone Gourmet

4 ounces unsalted butter, cut into small cubes
8 ounces, bittersweet chocolate, chopped
5 eggs, separated
Pinch of salt
2/3 cup of sugar, divided
Powdered sugar, for dusting the cake (optional)
1. Preheat the oven to 325°F. Butter and flour a 9-inch round cake pan.
2. Melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl by microwaving it in 30 seconds intervals. At the end of each 30-second interval, stop to stir. Just be careful not to cook it too long and stir frequently. It usually takes 2-3, 30-second intervals for it to melt.
3. In a large bowl, whisk the egg yolks, the salt and all but 3 tablespoons of the sugar. Stir the melted chocolate into the yolks until combined.
4. There are two critical steps in the recipe. The first critical step is whipping the egg whites to the right consistency. First, beat them on medium speed with an electric mixer in a large bowl until they are stiff enough to hold a soft peak. Then slowly add the 3 tablespoons of sugar and beat them just until they tighten up, but are not dry. If you over beat them, your cake will be too dry. Gently fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture until combined and then pour all of it into the cake pan.
5. The second critical step is baking the cake. Every oven varies, we recommend baking it for 45 minutes to an hour. Start checking it at 45 minutes and, if necessary, continuing baking it until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
6. Remove it from the oven and turn it out onto a wire rack to cool. The center of the cake may sink a bit, which is fine. Once cooled, place the serving platter on top of the cake and, holding on to both the dish and the rack flip the cake over. Garnish with powdered sugar before serving.
Now what will go great together with these delicious treats? A scary movie for sure!
Here’s a list of our 10 favorite horror movies (in no particular order) that will keep you in suspense. Some may not have any popular artists, yet the acting is great and most importantly, we promise you a very scary night!
1. Jessabelle
2. It
3. What Lies Beneath
4. The Devil’s Backbone
5. The Others
6. The Ring
7. The Sixth Sense
8. Silent Hill
9. Winchester
10. The Grudge
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