
Celiac Disease

For most of us, Celiac Disease, is a condition we are not familiar with.

Until recently, it was thought to be a rare disease. But in recent studies, as many as 2 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease, including children and adults.

In some cases, patients didn’t even know they had it for years, mainly because their symptoms are often assigned to other problems and also, simply because doctors may not think of this condition at first as a possible diagnosis.

Celiac Disease is a permanent disease and occurs in your digestive system, when people cannot tolerate gluten. Gluten is a protein found mainly in wheat, barley and rye. However, you can also find it in a variety of products, such as some vitamins and medicines. Even in stamps and the glue on envelope’s. Isn’t that something?

Now how do you get Celiac Disease? Is it contagious? And how does it really affect the body?

Well, Celiac Disease is very common among first-degree relatives, including parents, siblings and children, which makes it a genetic disease. If one or many of your relatives suffer from Celiac Disease, chances are you might also suffer from it.

Many times, this condition pops up all of the sudden after an event in your life – such as a pregnancy, a viral infection, surgery and even after having major emotional stress.

Celiac Disease is categorized as both an autoimmune disorder and a disease of malabsorption.

•As an autoimmune disorder: Because your body is damaged by its own immune system, destroying the cells and the villi lining of your small intestine.

•As a disease of malabsorption: Because your body cannot absorb the necessary nutrients to function well.

Now, let’s explain a little more in detail…As we just mentioned Celiac Disease makes your own immune system damage the lining of your small intestine, the section of your gastrointestinal tract between your stomach and the large intestine.

When your small intestine finishes the digestion process, it absorbs nutrients and passes the residue on to your large intestine.

Your small intestine walls are lined by tiny, fingerlike protrusions, called villi and they allow those nutrients from food to be absorbed into your bloodstream.

But if your villi are not healthy and are not working properly, those nutrients will not be absorbed, causing you to become malnourished, regardless of how much food you eat.  And by being malnourished, your body will continue to go downhill and your symptoms will get worse.

Now you may be wondering what the symptoms are:

Celiac Disease has a variety of symptoms and it affects people very differently. Keep in mind, that some of these symptoms are somewhat common, meaning that most of us experience gas pretty often, for instance.

So it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have Celiac Disease just because you experience a few of the symptoms bellow. 

However, if you have more than 2 of these, plus a relative also suffers from Celiac Disease, it will be important to visit your Gastroenterologist soon.


•Weight loss or Weight gain


•Recurring abdominal pain and bloating

•Muscle cramps

Other more rare symptoms:

•Chronic diarrhea

•Chronic Constipation

•Pale, foul-smelling or fatty stool

•Unexplained anemia (which can be causing the fatigue)

•Bone or joint pain

•Itchy skin rash (Dermatitis Herpetiformis)

•Behavioral changes

•Tingling numbness in the legs (from never damage)

•Pale sores inside mouth

Symptoms on children:

•Delayed growth


•Failure to thrive in infants

As most conditions, Celiac Disease can be diagnosed, even though it can be tricky.

One of the first tests your gastroenterologist will suggest is a blood test. This will help determine if you have high levels of auto antibodies, which are antibodies that react to your own body’s tissue.

If this test comes back positive, your gastroenterologist may suggest an endoscopy. This way he or she can obtain a biopsy, which is a sample of the tissue from your small intestine and test if there’s any damage to the villi.

How can Digestinol help?

Digestinol is an all-natural supplement that helps support and promote digestive health as well as support your immune system. Its biggest benefit is the ability to target and reduce inflammation within your digestive system. Inflammation along your digestive system is one of the main reasons for pain/discomfort associated with digestive disorders. It can help with both constipation as well as diarrhea, because it gets your body back to normal so the amount of fluid in your colon is regulated the way it should be.

What is Digestinol?

Our product contains AMP (Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides) which is an all-natural molecule found in the aloe vera plant. It is known to enhance the body’s immune system due to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. We have a 97-98% success rate reported from people who take Digestinol as directed for 90 days or longer.

If you are not interested in prescription medications to treat your condition and prefer a more natural approach, Digestinol makes all-natural capsules that contain a very specific form of Aloe Polysaccharides to target the inflammation along your digestive tract.

These capsules also provide your body with the nutrients that it is lacking in order to take back control of itself. Digestinol isn’t just Aloe Vera powder, Aloe Vera (contains Aloin) which irritates your digestive system and can cause diarrhea. Digestinol undertakes very specific additional steps in order to remove the Aloin during their extraction process to focus on only the beneficial portions of the Aloe Leaf, the long chain Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide molecules.

Since Digestinol is 100% all-natural it doesn’t bring along the side effects that other chemically based prescription medications have. We tell our customers to think of Digestinol as an all-natural digestive system specific vitamin that reduces inflammation and provides your body with specific nutrients that allow it to take back control of itself.

Our Digestinol capsules will also help to balance the good and bad bacteria levels in your body allowing it to regain control of its normal operations.

For more information, visit us at www.Digestinol.com or:

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/Digestinol

LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/digestinol-research-ba1651116

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Digestinol Blog – http://digestinol-blog-digestinol.com

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