Gastroenterology is the area of medicine that focuses on the digestive system and its disorders, as well as diseases that affect all of the organs from the mouth to the anus. An example of this would be the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
Gastroenterology involves knowledge of the normal function of the gastrointestinal organs including how material moves throughout the stomach and intestine, how material is digested and its nutrients are absorbed into the body, the removal of waste from the digestive system, as well as the function of the liver as a digestive organ.
Common conditions associated with Gastroenterology are colon polyps, hepatitis, heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux), peptic ulcer disease, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), to name a few.
The specialists in this area are referred to as Gastroenterologists.
A Gastroenterologist is a doctor with specialized and detailed training in the study and management of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract tract and liver. A Gastroenterologist goes through an intense training program where they learn from nationally recognized experts in this field.
A Gastroenterologist will use a colonoscope to perform a colonoscopy, which is a tool that is flexible as well as steerable and allows the ability to evaluate the colon (large intestine). The doctor is actually able to use this tool to not only visually see any suspected areas, but also obtain biopsies of suspected areas of concern and even remove polyps (which have the potential of turning into cancer).
A colonoscopy is a very effective step in the diagnosis of GastroIntestinal disorders. A big advantage of getting a colonoscopy is it allows for the imaging of potential problems as well as the removal of certain issues (polyps) during the same examination.
Since colonoscopy procedures have begun, data has shown that both the number of new cases as well as deaths from GastroIntestinal disorders has decreased, when a colonoscopy was performed.
If your family history does not have any colorectal symptoms, colon cancer, polyps, or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) you should consider having your first colonoscopy at age 50, whether you are a man or woman.
If one or more close family members such as a parent, child or sibling, has had a polyp and/or colon cancer the plan should be to have a colon cancer screening colonoscopy at the age that would be 10 years younger than the youngest family member was when diagnosed.
For those patients that have Ulcerative Colitis that encompasses the entire colon as well as those with Crohn’s Disease, a colon cancer screening to begin 8-10 years after the original diagnosis was made.
Digestinol has been used as a digestive support for many years and has helped to give many people relief that suffer from various digestive disorders. It has helped people all across the world deal with this painful issue and help supply a persons body with the proper nutrients that are needed to assist the body in fixing itself.
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