Digestinol, Digestive Support, Irritable Bowel, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, UC, Crohns Disease

What is L-Glutamine?

What is L-Glutamine?

L-Glutamine is the most abundant essential amino acid found in the human body. It makes up approximately 60% of amino acids in our muscles. It is one of the very few amino acids that can cross the blood brain barrier directly.


What are Amino Acids?

Amino acids are nutrients that help synthesize protein in the human body for nutrition. Protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes and amino acids are the building blocks of it. A large proportion of our cells, muscles and tissue is made up of amino acids, meaning they carry out many important bodily functions, such as giving cells their structure.


What are the benefits of taking L-Glutamine?

Improves gastrointestinal health.

Improves Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea by balancing mucus production, which results in healthy bowel movements.

Helps heal ulcers and leaky gut.

Fights cancer.

Helps with memory, focus and concentration.

Improves diabetes and lowers blood sugar.

Burns fat and boosts metabolism.

Curbs cravings for sugar and alcohol.

Promotes digestive and brain health, muscle growth and athletic performance.

Promotes muscle growth and decreases muscle wasting.


L-glutamine benefits your health if you have any type of digestive issue, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), an inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulosis, Diverticulitis, Leaky Gut or any of the issues associated with Leaky Gut (like joint pain, rosacea or any type of autoimmune response).

Ulcerative Colitis - Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - Celiac Disease - Digestinol

If you are not interested in prescription medications to treat your condition and prefer a more natural approach, Digestinol makes all natural capsules that contain a very specific form of Aloe Polysaccharides to target the inflammation along your digestive tract.

These capsules also provide your body with the nutrients that it is lacking in order to take back control of itself. Digestinol isn’t just Aloe Vera powder, Aloe Vera (contains Aloin) which irritates your digestive system and can cause diarrhea. Digestinol undertakes very specific additional steps in order to remove the Aloin during their extraction process to focus on only the beneficial portions of the Aloe Leaf, the long chain Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide molecules.

Since Digestinol is 100% all-natural it doesn’t bring along the side effects that other chemically based prescription medications have. We tell our customers to think of Digestinol as an all-natural digestive system specific vitamin that reduces inflammation and provides your body with specific nutrients that allow it to take back control of itself. Our Digestinol capsules will also help to balance the good and bad bacteria levels in your body allowing it to regain control of its normal operations.

For more information, visit us at www.Digestinol.com or:

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Digestinol Blog – http://digestinol-blog-digestinol.com

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